But theres this: In a screenplay, characters exist for a reason. The crime of the Park family is being unsympathetic, rude and selfish, despite their niceties and naivety. Whats their function? It is one of the most effective satires in recent memory. as Ki-woo ( Ki-taek's son ), Park So-dam She leaves her panties behind in the Parks car as shes being driven home by their original chauffeur, causing Mr and Mrs Park to fire him on the assumption that he had been doing the deed in their car. Parasite Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Living in a state-of-art mansion. Its revealed that as Mr Kim escapes the house, he realises where he must go back into the house, into the bunker, to hide out for the remainder of his life. The record-setting trend continued for the Parasite film. When Da-song wants to sleep in a tent outside, Mr. and Mrs. Park sleep on the couch to watch over him. The Park family is also blissfully unaware that the Kims are all related, but the observant young Park son, Da-song (Jung Hyun-joon) notices that all the new hires smell the same. She returns to the house to check on her husband, who is living in a secret subterranean bunker. Moon-gwang begs Chung-sook not to say anything to the Parks, but Chung-sook threatens to tell them. As their house party goes on and the rain pours down relentlessly, the doorbell suddenly rings its the old housekeeper that Mrs Kim had displaced. The topic of class is one that Bong Joon-ho has a clear fascination with. One clear way to explain the movie is: Parasite is about class. Class is the primary target of social commentary within Parasite. Ki-taek, who is hiding under the table, hears Mr. Park discuss his unsavory smell. He deciphers a message, delivered in Morse code via a flickering light, that his father now inhabits the bunker. Ki-Jung's family was much better off in her childhood when her father owned a cake shop. Official Screenwriting Blog of The Black List. Yeon-gyo is a well-meaning mother and wife, but she's rather gullible. Husband! as they descend into the depths of the bunker also do nothing to alleviate the building tension as we shockingly discover that her husband is in fact a mole person hiding and living right under the Parks noses and supplied food by Moon-kwang regularly, who even worships Mr Park for providing him with food and accommodation. He takes a liking to Ki-jeong and trusts her, but unjustifiably suffers the most at the hands of Moon-kwangs family and the Kim family, suffering two seizures resulting from shock. It's all fun and games until Moon-gwang shows up, insisting that she left something at the house. Synopsis. Profession English tutor. More books than SparkNotes. BEWARE OF SPOILERS. And theres a reason the Kim apartment is halfway undergroundtheyre caught between worlds, stuck in the growing chasm between the haves and the have nots. He is obsessed with keeping his employees controlled and hates nothing more than when one of his charges "crosses the line." Not only does he have to create suspicion about her, but he has to then convince Yeon-gyo to dispose of Moon-gwang without actually advocating for it. Living in a small, musty semi-basement in the slums of Seoul, South Korea. Ki-woo prepares a letter in response, swearing that he would work hard to earn enough money to eventually buy the house and free his father. Stay up to date on the news from Silicon Valley, and how to take back control of your data and devices. Alongside actor Choi Woo-sik, he explains the significance of production design elements from the beginning of the film, such as the cultural context of scholars stones in South Korea and the idea of distant hope conveyed by the semi-basement window. Guen-sae may not be the brightest of the bunch, but he's not entirely an idiot either. open/close all folders General The Kim family The Kim family as a whole Kim Ki-taek Kim Chung-sook Kim Ki-woo Kim Ki-jeong The Park family The Park family as a whole Park Dong-ik Park Yeon-kyo Park Da-song Park Da-hye Other characters Min Moon-gwang Geun-sae Yoon Previous Index Next Mr Kim and his children continue to hide under the living room coffee table as Da-song camps outside in the lawn, determined to have his birthday camping trip and probably fearful of returning to the house on his birthday. Small things, such as the Kim family opening their windows as their neighbourhood is fumigated in order to rid their own apartment of pests, or drunkards that liked to piss on their basement windows at night, were double-edged jokes that combined absurdist humour with sly details of the familys desperation and socio-economic plight. The family also laments that the rich are only nice because money is like an iron it irons out all the creases in your life, making life smooth and untainted. This is especially impressive given how ethnocentric the Academy Awards often unfold, prioritizing English-language films over foreign-language films much of the time. In a trance-like state as his daughter is bleeding out on the ground, Mr Kim is triggered by Mr Parks balking at the stench and fatally stabs him in the chest before running out the house. But rather than leaving viewers in this dreamy state, Bong pinches them and returns to the apartment. Chung-sook is framed as deceiving the family by hiding a dangerous illness. This same subject of class is less overt in Parasite but far more grounded and effectively subtle to the point of never overshadowing the story being told for the sake of its themes. At every point, the viewer understands whose perspective were supposed to follow due to the tracking shots as we move with each character. It was definitely worth all the $9.50 (Grab movie voucher for Cathay :P) I spent to get the full cinematic experience, and I would definitely watch it again (once I recover from the mental scars it left on me). Hes going to get his whole family into this house. He also meets Da-hye, the flirtatious teenager he will be tutoring, and Da-song, her younger brother, for whom Mrs. Park is trying to find an art tutor. Relationship Status involved with his student Da-Hye. Ki-jung begins working for the parks under the guise of an art-therapy teacher. A tonal shift this extreme could easily take viewers out of the film or feel like a jumping-the-shark moment, but in the hands of Bong Joon-ho, this shift is portrayed in a way that not only feels effortless but greatly enhances each half of the film that preceded and follows it. Presented with the opportunity to tutor the Parks teenage daughter at the beginning of the film, he recruits his sister, Ki-jung (Park So Dam), father, Ki-taek (Song Kang Ho), and mother, Chung-sook (Chang Hyae Jin), to masquerade as unrelated workers so they can oust the Parks current help, infiltrate the household and take advantage of the familys surplus wealth. Yeon-Kyo enjoys a calm and relaxing life in the mansion. (Note: One of these ranked characters is a huge spoiler for one of the plot's biggest twists, so if you still haven't seenParasite, get on it and then come back and read this!). In our Parasite movie analysis video, this mid-point scene was the focus. Cockroaches and insects are seen around the house, and at some point, Mr Kim even flicks a stink bug off the table, foreshadowing a larger plot point further on. A short but impactful conversation with Yeon-Kyo (Mrs. Park) was all it took for Ki-Jung to secure the art tutor job for the Park family's young son. GradeSaver, 21st Century Haves, Haves-not: Bong Joon-Ho's Commentary on Contemporary Class Divide in Parasite. Lover of foreign films; hater of American remakes. Because I plan on going to this school next year." On his birthday, a day like today, he had snuck down to the kitchen to eat his birthday cake, but Moon-kwangs husband had snuck up the basement stairs and made eye contact with Da-song. Profession English tutor. I have so much to say about this film that I was practically overflowing with thoughts for a good 24 hours after watching it. Mr Park runs over to Moon-kwangs husband and pushes his body aside to retrieve the car key, but not before he wrinkles his nose at the smell that Moon-kwangs husband exudes. Scott Myers 41K Followers Follow More from Medium Scott Myers in Go Into The Story Bong has made several films about class (including "Snowpiercer" and "Okja"), but Parasite may be his most daring examinationof the structural inequity that has come to define the world. Please go catch the movie in the cinema before it ends its run. So how do critics convey when a film truly is unexpectedly, brilliantly unpredictable in ways that feel revelatory? The rest of the Kims scramble to clean up the mess they had made, sweeping everything under the couch and hiding under the living room table. The series of events that unfold are so atypical and subtly interconnected that its only after the film that you would start to recall the small hints of foreshadowing or plot lines set up earlier on in the film. The film was, for lack of better descriptors, a fucking wild trip. After he gets the job, Ki-Woo proceeds to fetch employment for the rest of his family members--sister Ki-Jung as an art tutor, father Ki-Teak as a chauffeur, and lastly mom Chung-Sook as a housekeeper. I think that everyone, particularly the Kim family and Moon-kwangs family, showed parasitic behaviour. After waking up in the hospital, he and his mother are charged and put on probation. With its overwhelming plot and acting, this motion picture retains a long-lasting effect and some kind of shock. Each family has a symbiotic relationship with one another; the Parks need their employees to keep their house and family up and running, and the Kims and Moon-kwangs family leech off the wealth of the Parks. They take the affluent home as their own while the Parks are away and thats when Moon-gwang shows back up and everything changes. The patriarch of the Kim family. She is very nice, but not especially deep or compassionate. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Parasite by Bong Joon-ho. Parasite exploded this past weekend on Oscar night when it became the first international film to win four Academy Awards, including the coup de grace, Best Picture. Mrs Kim jokingly taunts Mr Kim, comparing him to a cockroach that would run and hide at the first sign of danger. Guen-sae manages to get the jump on Ki-woo after he fails to murderGuen-sae with the rock given by Min. The young man changes his name to Kevin and begins tutoring Park Da-hye (Jung Ziso), who immediately falls for him, of course. Required fields are marked *. Hence my principle: Character = Function. Subscribe for more filmmaking videos like this. The Kims soon settle into their comfortable new life working for the Parks. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ For example, Mr Park making callous comments at the expense of the Kim family which eventually lead to him getting stabbed, Mr Park pressuring Mr Kim to make a fool of himself at Da-songs birthday party with the threat of money, and the Parks only concerning themselves with Da-songs seizure despite the fact that Ki-jeong, someone who works for the Park family, had been stabbed at the birthday party. When a writer does their best, digging deep into their characters, tapping into their souls, the players in our stories magically lift up off the printed page and come to life in a readers imagination. As we enter the house, we see that the same design sensibilities are used the house has plenty of wide, open spaces and minimalistic furniture. Outside of the sub-basement, violence erupts, and the prophetic scholars stone becomes an instrument of violence. At the start of the film, we are introduced to the Kims, a family struggling to live under impoverished conditions. Geun-sae is Moon-gwang's husband, who is living in the bunker underneath the Parks' house, hiding out from the loan sharks who want to kill him. She takes great pride in her work as a housekeeper, and loses her job unexpectedly after the Kims make her peach allergy look like active tuberculosis. Mr Kim is the most nonchalant about their misfortunes, even as their house is flooded, leaving the Kims homeless. However, to qualify for the job, Ki-Woo must forge his identity from a man in his mid-20s with no formal education to a student studying business at an elite university. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Moon-kwang herself is a suspicious character; she must definitely be unhappy with Mrs Kim for being her replacement (although shes unaware that it was due to the Kims meddling that got her fired), but why did she have to visit the house on, of all nights, the night that it was raining cats and dogs? Improving the family's financial situation is the most important goal for Ki-Woo, and he remains hopeful of his future. As Moon-kwangs husband and Mrs Kim struggle, Mrs Kim manages to stab Moon-kwangs husband through the abdomen with a skewer. Parasite exploded this past weekend on Oscar night when it became the first international film to win four Academy Awards, including the coup de grace, Best Picture. I left the cinema around 2am reeling and shookt, and was still desperately Googling and researching for the films reviews and analyses two hours later. She is brusque and unsentimental like her daughter, toughened by life in poverty. I was disappointed to find that not many people had done an in-depth analysis on the film, but thats what Im here for! On that fateful day, he ran from the backyard with blood on his hands not Mr. Parks, as one might assume, but his own daughters. Mr. Park is the head of the Park household. Read the script for the award-winning foreign film and analyze all week. In contrast to her brother Ki-Woo, Ki-Jung is too well-grounded to look for a potential love interest. If he is ever caught, he may suffer the death penalty for committing a murder. The main themes are capitalism, deception, and violence. We can't blame him too much for developing such trust in Ki-taek that he doesn't see his impending death coming right for him. GradeSaver "Parasite Summary". Parasite is seamless in the way it shuffles moods, tones and genres, and downright Hitchcockian in the way it manipulates your sympathies. How could they possibly compare to a couple leeching off the Parks like this? The film constantly threatens to come apartto take one convoluted turn too many in ways that sink the projectbut Bong holds it all together, and the result is breathtaking. The Kim family, living in poverty, struggles to make ends meet by doing menial jobs such as folding pizza boxes for a local pizza shop. A visual medium requires visual methods. To access over 70 analyses of previous movie scripts we have read and discussed at Go Into The Story, go here. 31 Parasite Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Grew up. The wide panning shots do great in conveying a sense of space in the large Park residence, and sequence shots make the viewer feel as though they are there with the characters, watching their lives unfold. Couldnt she have chosen to do so in broad daylight? Create robust and customizable shot lists. "Korean dramas vary in terms of theme; from non-violent stories to very dynamic and violent stories." (Parc, J., & Moon, H.-C., 2013). Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows. Elevation clearly equates to status; the parks have a multi-level home at the top of the hill while the Kims live below street level in a semi-basement, and the surprise 3rd party lives deep underground in a sub-basement. The entire plot of the film was completely unexpected and otherworldly, giving the audience a great sense of uneasiness and formication. Parasite Character List Ki-woo Ki-woo is the son of the Kim family, a smart and ambitious young man who feels held back by poverty. Ki-jung is Ki-woo's sister, a smart and tough young woman who does not suffer fools. as Ki-jung ( Ki-taek's daughter ), Chang Hyae-jin Moon-Gwangs return to the house and eventual reveal of the secret basement keeps us on the edges of our seats as viewers and seamlessly blends from the drama/comedy centered first half into the thriller/tragedy centered latter half. The Kim family is destroyed; Ki-jung is killed, Ki-woo is left brain-damaged, and Ki-taek is forced into hiding after he snaps and acts out a classism-driven murder in the chaos of the birthday party. GradeSaver, 21st Century Haves, Haves-not: Bong Joon-Ho's Commentary on Contemporary Class Divide in Parasite. Surprisingly, Ki-Woo turns out skilled in his artifice: as Ki-Woo explains, "I dont consider this a crime. RELATED: 5 Reasons Why HBO's Parasite Is A Good Idea (& 5 Why The Movie Should Be Left Alone). "Parasite" is a marvelously entertaining film in terms of narrative, but theres also so much going on underneath about how the rich use the poor to survive in ways that I cant completely spoil here (the best writing about this movie will likely come after its released).
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