You would not be alone, as there are many older pilots that fly with conditions that would disqualify them from getting the Third Class medical. Trying to fix an accidental lie on my medical. He was the author of numerous books, including. So why open a can of worms by telling the aviation medical examiner? I am going to start a letter campaign to ask the people who can make this happen (our elected officials), to get behind it and make it happen quickly. Like driving big trucks and boats have no such pseudo-medical crap. For instance, in the Minnesota test I have written that I dont like snakes and I was denied the 1st class medical because they thought I have a nevrotic personality. Its sad. Even when telling the truth the FAA doesnt give the AME the power to decide. Avoid Medical Certification Delay. Again, Im not arguing against the need for medical certification, but the process needs some serious streamlining. Seems ludicrous to me. but that wasnt good enough for the FAA, they require me to spend a pile of money EVERY YEAR to get a SI, and then it takes Oklahoma City 3-4 months to okay it while I sit effectively grounded (adding insult to injury!) I think that increasing the value of a worn out C150 to about $100K (which would happen the day they were included in the category) would take most of the trainer fleet out of circulation and the already paultry number of students would dry up completely. He knew it. I can meet Class 1 if I fib. The FAA is hopelessly stuck in the stone age, especially in the Aeromedical division. Just do want everyone does to get into the military hide the truth. The AME also cannot read their minds, so he cannot go beyond a reasonable interpretation either to help with these questions. No he should not have been grounded. KL, That process will have to be repeated every year. If after that the FAA denied your application, you can seek reconsideration of that denial by making a few substantive arguments. 2. To stay current, I have been renting/flying 152s and 172s with an instructor, but that is very expensive too (the inclusion of the instructor, that is). Maybe I misunderstood the content regarding flagging his file, maybe this is an appropriate means of discipline, they did not elaborate. Additionally, the one who was honest is punished. - I am going to take my FAA First Class Medical examination in a few months for my very first certificate. So, easing up on the medical requirements would be based on real world situations. I can not discuss my medical problems with my trusted friend and AME as he MUST tell the FAA about these problems! If you didnt say yes then you lied. There are too many who are afraid of liability. Some justify white lies by rationalizing they would just be wasting everyones time and effort by disclosing minor issues. Irs Data Book, 2020. chances of getting caught lying on faa medical one of the medications used treat! That is why the FAA doesnt sanction Mr. Diabetes as Dickie would like. It sometimes gets people injured and sometimes gets people killed. All three retained their medicals after appropriate medical treatment or new corrective lenses. How Likely is it that the FAA will Catch You? If the problem went away, petition the FAA to remove the requirement for special issuance. 13. During an FAA medical, a urine test will take place that checks sugars and protein levels. Emmons wait until you have an episode of situational hypertension or have to see a marriage counselor. The issue is what we feel is important, because the government wants a complete history and providing it isnt possible and pilots are going to make their own judgements about whats truly important to fully disclose. This is truly a Great Debate. Many pilots have waited months or years for their medical certificates because each new record they provide to justify their medical certificate eligibility reveals another ailment they did not disclose before. I need some advice from experienced pilots / medical professionals about a problem. We have to be honest with ourselves. He started his career working with his father, Leighton Collins, at the original Air Facts magazine. I suffer from multiple personality disorder, but all of the voices affirm they are qualified pilots. And two complete submittals of blood tests. Furthermore, any standard of medical concern for pilots is lost because it allows the FAA to turn a blind eye to a medical condition. AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. So whatever reason the FAA brings to you such as your depressed or you have ADD, they dont know what the **** theyre talking about. should not fly. Anyway if your willing I have a ton of questions for you. But most of disqualifying conditions can be dealt with, and your AME should help you do that. Delaying your AME appointment over several weeks to gather the right information can eliminate months of review by the FAA. Before I was flying my previous HMO physician told me I was the perfect patient for the insurance company because I hadnt shown up for seven years. Someday you might actually have a problem you cannot hide. Thus the FAAs excessive emphasis, on the potential hazards of medical conditions and medications, serves only to reinforce its own bureaucratic authority. These are a few of the most frequently asked questions pilots have concerning the FAA and their medical certificate. On the other hand, the FAA medical system is complex, expensive, and difficult to support with data showing lives saved, etc. I am probably am the only one who will answer that I like to go for the medical because if forces me to go to the doctor. Hell no!!! Doesnt this seem grossly out of proportion? The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. What are the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical? We only use the Thats a good way to get into a LOT of trouble. It took me six months and an extra EKG (probably to make sure I didnt have a heart attack over this!) The bottom line is,if you cant be truthfull to yourself,you cant be truthfull at all. Two of the pilots I know of with these problems have Class 1 Medical Certificates. But the standards are not different. This is very true if you were to tell them everything that has happened to you in the past medical histories etc. In my case I have never lied, but if Im at risk of loosing my license for a medical condition that is under control I might do that also. I am working with a private party who specializes in this sort of thing and he cant really give me definitive answers either; just educated opinion and guidance. This in spite of my personal physician and the AMA specifically noting several times that it was a complete non-issue. Having spent over 10k learning to fly I was advised at my medical I had LBBB. I sure as hell would. what tests you need, when you need to take these tests, etc) to satisfy the FAA that youre good to go. Flying is no more dangerous than driving when properly trained. Politicians create government agencies empowered to rule by edict. Fess and get a special issuance if necessary. My driving record is perfect, but I have been wondering if the FAA will reject my certificate because of an assault charge that happened five years ago back when I was in highschool. Well maybe a little? He had diabetes. One is. Period. I agree that the FAA has an interest in regulating commercial pilots but anyone else should have to produce a drivers license. Local Oklahoma City Area: (405) 954-3261. Remember that most pilots who have lost their medicals because they lied are probably not around here to talk about it. Neither IFA, nor Paul Engstrom assume any responsibility or liability for events that occur due to actions you or others on your behalf take based on the information given in this article. One just hopes that the untruths are regarding minor medical issues they feel will disqualify them that wont compromise their safety as well as all others around them. Few people have memory of everything diagnosed as a child, how many appoinments one has been to in the last 3 years, or even knowledge of what the doctor has put in your medical record. His medical expired a few months back yet he is planning to go back to the state in which he passed the medical so he can lie again and pass with Flying Colors this is deplorable! Congress should forbid the FAA from requiring any medical for recreational flying. N They were like so we dont think you ever had it Passed tests with flying colors. I can understand, in the last 5 years, but most of my things are now 20 years old and I still have to report them-no change. The problem with the medical certification process is that on the one hand the questions are so stringent i.e. It came to a point that he was landing one night at a major airport, and on descent he realized that he couldnt see the runway. Having people squeal on them? If successful with testing, you can then make further arguments that you do not have an aeromedically significant medical condition. Why do we have a federal bureaucracy policing such a low number of casualties? I for one, not being a medical doctor, place my trust in my AME and my PCP. What you dont want to do is lie. I didnt lie on my Class 3 medical, was a 55 yr. old student pilot, have since been told by several older pilots that I was honest but naive. No problem there both were on the approved list (most are).,, COPYRIGHT 2011-2023, SPORTSMAN'S MARKET, INC. All Rights Reserved. astronaut training. Some do it by mistake. Question:Do you think most pilots fib on applications for medical certificates? Still there are occasional exceptions where a commercial or airline pilot dies in the cockpit. His first action was to pull out a form with three columns of Have you ever? items each requiring a yes/no response. We are equally desiring of our freedom, but because we are a small group, the bureaucracy can get away with it. If you were diagnosed with ADHD when you were in school but havent taken medication or experienced symptoms in 15 years, you still are required to answer yes to question 18m. Additionally, I believe this would be a tremendous economic boon for the industry as a whole. BUT I HAVE 40+ YEARS AND 5100 HRS OF PIC IN MY OWN AIR CRAFT WITH OUT INCIDENT OR ACCIDENT. To check the validity of the certificate, email a request to Aviation Data Systems Branch, [emailprotected]. Since my late 30s, I have taken meds to control my blood pressure. Are you serious? Ive held a private certificate since 1991 and fly for pleasure and fun, occassionally with passengers and somtimes just to stay current. Too much information could mean denial of the application and bureaucratic warfare with the FAA. I understand why a lot of this stuff, like the sport pilot initiative, takes so long and always falls short, but cmon, this one is easy and its gonna bite them in the ass. I tried talking to him about the serious consequences of lying, and every time he goes flying he is putting everyone at risk, but he didnt care. This is likely true for those receiving social security disability benefits as well, What Happens When the FAA gets Suspicious. Question 17 can identify for the FAA that an individual is currently taking a disqualifying medication such as Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, etc, commonly used to treat ADHD. When reading many aviation magazines and articles it seems likely that most accidents are a result of lack of proficiency rather than due to medical issues. Lie by default. Where is this regulation? Also why does your local AME put something on your report and call it insignificant but 6 months later the FAA makes a federal case of it and wants more tests for this insignificant thing. The rules here have not changed, but the enforcement will now result in a 30 day ban from APC for violations. The information they request is typically a collection of recent medical records that address the concerns they identified in your application. He landed safely, but it was his last flight. Every child at some point decides to spin around and around until they are dizzy and fall down. It is a scam, a make-work project for administrators, and btw, doctors who make a practice of the bulk of business, which is 3rd class. From open heart surgery and stroke to PTSD and diabetes, it is possible to qualify for an FAA medical certificate with more conditions than most pilots suspect. If they have any concerns about your eligibility to hold a medical certificate, AMEs can also deny your application or defer your certification to the FAA for further review. It was a more difficult process than if I had done it 20 years prior. What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue, why do we have medicals in the first place? I was always amazed at the high volume the Captains required. Multiple assaults or domestic convictions might indicate some psychiatric disturbance that requires looking into. Until the rules change, abide by them, and make sure you self monitor. good for 2 years. For over 50 years, pilots turned to Richard L. Collins for his unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of flying light aircraft. If the FAA knew the real medical condition of most pilots, they would loose thier certificates too. I have just been advised that I can take a NPPL which just requires a certificate of good health from my doctor. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant, Disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory explanation of the cause, A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts, Transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without a satisfactory explanation of the cause. Global misunderstands that Procedure codes, diagnosis codes and pharmacy codes were denied protections under to ACA of 2010. so.does everyone repeat their whole life medical history.or just the recent stuff since the last medical exam? I suggest that every pilot take a look at the AME Guide on the FAA website. But then how would all the AMEs and some people in the FAA make a living??? If they say that you have a condition that requires you to be grounded, then fill out an 8500-8 medical form. Due to the self-reporting nature, the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical aren't very high. You get caught lying on a medical, they'll do a lot more than just bust your balls. Often it is not a case of pilots intentionally lying or withholding information that can get them into trouble, but ignorance of what they need to report. I have been asymptomatic for all of those years and I am on no medication. Be careful that if you have seen your doctor and are responding yes to question 19 and your doctor diagnosed you with ADHD (or suggested that you had ADHD), you will also likely need to respond yes to question 18m. No mercy from the FAA and I was not even allowed to go to a hearing I just got the notice of revocation one day and that was it. 11-06-2013, 09:45 AM #7 ackattacker. I fly for a living. Now, what other activity with a rate of death this low has a major federal bureaucracy policing it? They are actually almost the same as for Third Class. Then we really would have a pilot shortage, now wouldnt we. It is so easy for those not flying professionally to prescribe stricter rules for those that do. As John and Dickie do point out, there are rules and hence bureaucracy in place to protect the masses. I am a rental pilot as well, and unfortunately, there are no sport rentals available, and they are too expensive to buy. I agree the sport licensse should include at least up to a 152, super cub and all two seat trainers. Taint worth messing up folks. Now I am only minutes away from completing my first flight medical form without any worries! Have you EVER been dizzy? If I continue to wish to fly.I had better take care of myself by good nutrition and exercise..on the issue of lying no, I would not lie because not only is it stupid it is cause for losing the ticket. I have patients with heart disease who are able to continue to fly on special issuance. It does happen. They will also review how your current application compares to the ones you have submitted in the past and your driving record. Im not saying I have a medical cert, but if I did this is what I would do. Duuuuuuuuuh do fat babies fart? Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. Of death this low has a major federal bureaucracy policing such a low number of casualties wasting... Appropriate means of discipline, they would just be wasting everyones time and effort by disclosing minor issues held private! Conditions can be dealt with, and make sure you self monitor to in... By rationalizing they would loose thier certificates too extra EKG ( probably to make sure you monitor! Aeromedical division EKG ( probably to make sure you self monitor AME as MUST! 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