Theyve been lied to for 18 months, they were told the vaccines were gonna save them and, you know, get us all back to the hot back summer. He wants to be on CNN, MSNBC and Good Morning America. "The First Amendment does not apply to private companies like Twitter," Mr. Berenson wrote last week on Substack . ALEX: Okay? Right now, we are being told that if every single person in the entire United States got the covid vaccine, that covid would be over, that people who are unvaccinated are the only reason why covid still exists. But one side continues to try to take away your rights daily, telling you it is the moral and just and equitable thing to do. Im a parent. I think Delta has ended that. Tens of thousands of paid subscribers AlexBerenson Unreported Truths By Alex Berenson Theyre supposed to last 10 years, 20 years, a lifetime. The other said something worse. The bad news: only in Bulgaria. And that is the trial that is the reason these vaccines got the emergency-use authorization. ALEX: Thats a fascinating question. So, listen. You have young children. I know, I'm as shocked as you are. And Ive never been in this camp these people 5G and graphene oxide and this is a depopulation campaign. Nov 10, 2021. Meanwhile, an independent journalist like Alex Berenson will continue to seek out publicly available data from foreign nations to hold U.S. officials accountable. And the problem and we were talking about this a little bit during the break is there are so many people whove been so frightened because all they do is watch CNN. Banning Alex Berenson From Twitter Is a Mistake "The pandemic's wrongest man" can likely profit from martyrdom. You shared some data from England about kids in particular and the impact that this great British study had shown covid has on them, and the numbers were truly staggering. So the data is more comparable to the U.S. data. Do we know? Only one side is actually stopping free speech. You got a lot of heat in the beginning. This is to their credit. Because Im not gonna tweet with a sword hanging over my head. His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30. CLAY: I always thought she looks fantastic for her age. Its that the vaccines happen to be failing now. One of the reasons the Fauci-ites and my old employer at the Times hate me so much is you cant dismiss me as a conspiracy nut because Im not a conspiracy nut. Fauci was around for HIV. Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) / Twitter Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson Author of Tell Your Children and Pandemia. What I want everyone to see, he said. So that idea that the vaccines are gonna end up the epidemic, that they are going to return life to normal by themselves? Stopping people on social media. If you chase the truth, you will be on the right path. CLAY: Okay. Youre gonna be on a treadmill with this vaccine for the rest of your life and, by the way, we dont know what the side effects for a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh dose are gonna look like. What you are describing is clearly shown at levels 2 or lower. You are not anti-vaccine. The companies were much, much smarter. What I want everyone to see, he said. Even if you only talk about the myocarditis risk and the venous science thrombosis risk with the J&J vaccine. But for all of us. Nothing is ever that simple unless you are a liberal elite. So Twitter suspended me for 12 hours, they suspended me for 12 hours again, and then last week they suspended me for a week. And, by the way, we dont even know that these vaccines actually reduce deaths, okay? Its never been proven in a clinical trial. Twitter. ALEX: which I dont think I was on. CLAY: Youre looking at the data and allowing it to tell a story. ALEX: (laughing) It doesnt end because of vaccines. As for me, I will listen to what Dr. Malone has to say and watch where Alex Berenson goes from here. But it has not been proven in a clinical trial that these reduce deaths. Im not saying that was what happened, but its something to keep in mind. He takes those gigs willingly because it helps him, but I dont think he likes it. Absolutely. I mean they are smarter, they have more money, much smarter than the public health authorities. And it was a terrible time, and Cuomo made bad decisions and it got worse because of the nursing homes. It's why, early on in the pandemic, he was virtually the only one willing to step outside the narrative and say what no one else was saying. And we dont know how many people that might be because the companies didnt do any work in the clinical trials that might help us with that. Were just talking about whether this thing works at all, okay? Will it get short with each booster or will it get longer with each booster? People said, You got your daughter vaccinated against covid? No, I got her vaccinated against MMR and DTaP. That's true. View profile 1. Natural immunity appears significantly superior to vaccine-generated immunity, and theres good biological reasons to think thats the case: Because your body reacts to the whole coronavirus. Tucker Carlson snubs Alex Berenson after his bushwhack of Dr. Malone. You have how many kids? Not of covid, of all causes. I mean, do you believe that its not the case that for anybody, that if you get the shot, whoever you are, whoever you may be, youre much less likely to end up in the hospital and/or die from this from covid? But he didnt tell the producers what his plans were. Cause Israels ahead of us in terms of vaccinating their people. But given their cheering on of Berenson's rudeness, you start to wonder if this whole group of people is for real and/or has been purposefully misled. Please, released last Tuesday, New York Times best-selling author, Alex Berenson, who was. If they do, in the end . Youre 70 Well, Im not gonna say how old she is. We got a lot of this, people reaching out. The study boldly claims that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. Read more. So the two countries that were more aggressive than the U.S., significantly more, were Israel and the U.K. And the data is cleaner out of Israel for a couple of reasons. Read more. How old is too old to be president? In his critique, Mr. Berenson - a former NYTimes journalist without any . How did that about something that we all have to take for the rest of our lives? Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. The people who are unvaccinated in Israel, especially the older people, are probably people who are or many of them are people who are too sick to be vaccinated to begin with, right? Alex Berenson Returns with More Data You Won't Get Elsewhere. Alex Berenson covered the drug industry and financial fraud as a reporter for the New York Times. In the US, that narrative is the vaccine and boosters are the only thing. Furthermore, for those 40 and older, the average rate of COVID-19 per 100,000 was higher in the fully vaccinated at 724 per 100,000 compared to the unvaccinated at 520 per 100,000. We have punished our kids enough. ), Well yes, thats part of the equation. Berenson showed Rogan a report entitled . (Full disclosure: I havent listened to the entire RFK Jr. interview yet. ALEX: Thank you, Buck. ALEX: and put my name in and hopefully Twitter wont ban me. They dropped all the restrictions. In other words, 72.32% of COVID-19 deaths in England during September were fully vaccinated. PHE defines deaths as occurring within 28 days of a positive specimen (COVID-19 test) or COVID-19 reported on death certificate. Remember when the Biden administration said I was a "terrorist threat"? And in the eighties, the infectious disease specialists lied. How bad? Long Covid doesn't exist, volume one zillion. Your Dept. As I said, they started before us. RFK Jr. opened by introducing Alex and how he became a hero to many of us in the past two years. Obviously theyre listening to you on the radio show right now. Im talking about the mRNA, and the J&J that works differently as well, but its essentially the same idea as the mRNA vaccine. The Office for National Statistics (ONS), a U.K.-based government reporting agency, has published new data showing that "fully vaccinated" English adults under the age of 60 are now dying at twice the rate of their unvaccinated counterparts.. On his Substack, Alex Berenson published a graph showing the difference between the two groups. S-u-b-s-t-a-c-k. You just put my name in, Alex Berenson, and youll find me. The right wings folks who embrace him also love the ex-New York Times credential. By all accounts, he has done quite well with paid subscriptions here. These habits will never break. 1/ What happened? People would still have their opinions regarding whether or not Alex is correct in his assertions, but that would be all. Thats actually good. Dec 19, 2021. Stay tuned for that article, but I put it back in the queue in order to write this unplanned piece. Now, any study (or systemic review of studies) can be biased or faulty (as can RCTs). Alex Berenson's substack is an utter gem. So these are , BUCK: When you talk about myocarditis, what kind of numbers we talking about? Last week I threw out five ideas on what we need to do going forward to make sure the debacle of the last three years - and particularly of our . CLAY: Okay, Alex, I want to ask you this question. (Full disclosure: I havent listened to the, RFK Jr. interview yet. 2,560. ONE: Berenson's book blatantly omits several of the key players behind the covid pandemic. Tucker Carlson and Alex Berenson approach the . Its in British government documents.. Yet we dont know how many people actually have had covid the United States. Your point based on the data that you are seeing would suggest that instead of being a traditional vaccine like measles, mumps, and rubella, what youre effectively saying is this is more akin to a flu shot where youre going to have to get it every year forever, and it provides some measure of protection, but its not the equivalent of, Hey, youre never gonna get chicken pox, for instance., ALEX: Thats right but its also much more dangerous than a flu shot. So, again, we have better data out of Israel. Thats good. 11:37 PM Nov 23, 2022 5,355Likes 1,266Retweets He then adds that he meant 2014. It was sort of like, Well, look at Israel. The clinical trial data didnt show that. Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth - wasnt truthful with his very appearance on the show. ALEX: So the best way to find me right now is on Substack. But its roughly the same. And that's not. And it should piss those supporters off. Built for those who work hard to prosper and for those who do not to fail. The difference, I believe, is that Glenn and Matt have embraced their subscribers regardless of what political ideology they come from. They said, You can get this in youre a heterosexual woman and you have sex with the wrong guy one time, you can get this. They knew they were lying. We are a republic built for freedom of men and women. That is a catastrophic failure for decarceration and cashless bail and cannabis legalization and all the other soft-on-crime policies, and the left needs to own it. For example, data from Israel, Iceland, and Singapore also show the majority of COVID cases in the fully vaccinated. How is it possible that public health officials and media pundits in the United States continue to call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated when 72.32% of COVID deaths in England occurred in the fully vaccinated last month? Costs nothing for now and if you get in now you will never pay. Note that right wing news outlets have been doing this all along, but an elite journalist doing it was a big win for those reporting on vaccine issues and how poorly the entire Covid situation has been handled in the US and many other countries. Drop the masks! There is beauty all around you if youll slow down long enough to see it. So, again, Israel had this period of time late April through mid-June when basically it looked like the epidemic was over there. How it happened that way is forgotten immediately. The data in the U.K. is the same, although it doesnt repeat itself; it rhymes. What Im saying is you add it all up, okay? Theres a very complicated technical questions here that are sort of above my pay grade. It was Alex's dishonesty in how he used his airtime, blindsiding everyone - Dr. Malone, the host, the producers, and the audience - that set everyone off. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Alex, great to see you. Along with a number of other real MDs, there are very few people with more credibility than Dr. Malone in this area, if any. For a better experience, download and use our app! Only we can do that to ourselves. ALEX: Okay. This means in England during the month of September, if you were 40 or older, you were more likely to catch COVID-19 if you were vaccinated, rather than if you were unvaccinated. Pfizer CEO: Normal Life Wont Return Without Regular COVID Vaccinations: Albert Bourla, the CEO of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer told ABCs George Stephanopoulos, normal life will return within a year, but not for those who dont have regular COVID-19 vaccinations. The bigger problem: Elon overreached by referring to the "Fauci Files" and "Prosecute/Fauci," and in doing so undercut what DID come out. BUCK: Can we start with this, actually, cause we have so much were gonna keep you, like I said, for a deep dive so you can actually have time? However much they want to scream about Mississippi and Florida which has a national average vaccination rate, by the way, how much they want to scream about people like me, they cant get around that fact. The right appreciates these guys for reporting the truth. If the covid vaccine did that, sign me up, okay? Email. I have been reading extensive comments on Berenson's recent posts and I see some real cognitive dissonance from many of those commenting. YouTube Bans All Content Stating Vaccines Are Ineffective Or Dangerous: YouTube has expanded its medical misinformation policies with new guidelines targeting content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of the disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed. Read More. They would have to hear you out. Yes, just like the communists would. . Second of all, kids are dirty little creatures who are like constantly touching them and taking them off and switching them with each other. While they accuse the other side of doing what they are doing at a never ending drumbeat, I wonder if those following them even understand what is going on. ALEX: Thats right. But smart people I talk to say it looks to them like its not that the Delta variant is so much worse. And even people that I know, Alex, who have been really supportive of a lot of work youve done have complained to me and wanted me to ask you, Hes too critical. But vaccines. Okay? The narrative is rapidly falling apart, but Berenson and Malone (and others) have been discussing the problems from the beginning. Update on Berenson v Twitter. She told me she was gonna get it. For more information, sign up for my Substack at New York Joined November 2009 209 Following 478.6K Followers Tweets & replies Media Pinned Tweet Alex Berenson Share this post. Why is no one in the mainstream media acknowledging the United Kingdoms publicly available data showing for the 40 and older age groups, 79.94% of COVID-19 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated? But it was a long time ago and he needed the research money! Jan 9 4/ In October 2022, @scottgottliebmd claimed on Twitter and CNBC that he was not trying to suppress debate on mRNA jabs. And if theyre not okay with that, then I guess I have to consider my legal options. Darby Shaw. The mRNA experiment needs to stop. Then he followed the truth about Covid and actually reported it. Its not a four minute TV hit such as it is. Although . Okay? That was our two-year well child visit she got the shots. Let me tell you, she doesnt like the shots. In the past, he has worked for the New York Times and was part of the liberal media elite. They did it on the correct schedule. Of all Berenson's positions, it was his opposition to the Covid vaccines that elicited the most pushback and vitriol. His subscription cost is $6/month. He didn't even go to his subscriber base to explain his actions. He pointed to the fact that the British Governments own data shows the majority of COVID cases and deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated during the month of September, or more specifically, between the weeks of 34 and 37 2021. 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