there are a lot of reasons for that. The military first prohibited beards during the First World War, when the introduction of chemical warfare greatly increased the risk they could get in the way of life-saving gas masks. Now What I might have issue with..?. The process can take a long time and it often comes with negative attention that may effect your career. Sometimes those who are new to Heathenry read the arguments made by these groups and are convinced by them as they often claim to be based on historical sources. The Military should respect their right to appropriate medical care, which is decided by their medical care provider and not the religious views or whims of the White House or other non medical authority. There are many challenges to being a pagan. It is admirable this soldier is showing his respect for Thor! In this Grgs the very first chapter is Christian Law. (U.S. Army), The U.S. Army granted a rare religious accommodation to a Fort Leonard Wood staff sergeant who is a member of the Heathen, Norse Pagan faith.. "Why are beards so important in Nordic paganism?" We don't have rules like the 10 Commandments. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-banner-1-0');You can watch a video interview of Hopper here. While the religious accommodation is pretty much set in stone for the soldiers career, it may be temporarily suspended if there is a threat of exposure to certain toxic agents which require all soldiers to be clean-shaven, and, because of the beard, the soldier is also barred from attending military schools with toxic agent training or being assigned to positions that require compliance with biological, chemical, or nuclear surety requirements. This document is generally accepted to be the codification of the oral tradition of the early Christian period in Iceland, not the Heathen period. we live in a society where trans people are discriminated against in the military and special accomidations are made for people with imaginary friends. Yet, if they let the guy grow a beard, and it poses no distractions from duty, I certainly have no problem with it. Therefore was he called Most-Beard, and he was the noblest man on the island., Snorri was middling in height and somewhat slender, fair to look on, straight faced and light of hue, of yellow hair and red beard., Chapter 32Ulfar wagged his beard and handed him the sword and shield.. And therein lies an interesting idea. You might agree with one view or the other or a different way altogether, but here are two of the popular views on the subject. However, we are not actively promoting a trend in this direction or seeking to normalize it.. Why? What we do isn't a "lifestyle brand" either. password? Why not? As an employer, the US Military has been grappling with accommodating different religious groups in the armed forces. I believe that Athena would smile upon this decision. So companies do have arguments on why they may ask men to be cleanshaven or have short hair. Norse Pagans, Heathens, or Asatruar are not in general all required to grow a beard There is no general religious requirement for anyone to have facial hair, nor is there any universal religious requirement for hairstyle or any personal grooming choice Then, in November 2018, Staff Sgt. No. Army Soldier Allowed to Grow Beard for Norse Religion, a 'Heathen' Tradition. They will protect us. Lokiis the least favorite of all sir, and a Norse god typically associated with negative behavior as well as the dark side of humans. They are our religion. Erik desires to be a Viking when he grows up and has worked in Outdoor Adventure leading hikes and rafting trips. Faith isn't just something that inspires you to be better, it's something that reminds you that you matter and you make a difference regardless of where you find yourself in life. Our military needs to be wary of all forms of mental illness. forgot It's also time for us to move forward and spend more time focused on our own relationship with God (or not), instead of worrying and persecuting others for what they believe, or don't. All proper procedures outlined in Army Directives 2017-03 and 2016-34 were followed when requesting and approving this religious accommodation, a spokeswoman from Missouri's Fort Leonard Wood told Fox News. Beards are seen as sacred and as a defining feature of the sirin ancient texts such as Konungsbk Eddukva. But the Army choosing to accommodate the soldier's request shows that: They are no longer the sticklers for the rules they once were, and They've come to respect (at least to some degree) individual faith beliefs that stray from the mainstream as well. What if Loki (yes there are loki devotees) demands something if me (I shudder to think what)? This Icelandic saga not only encompasses all the fundamental and essential Norse values that form the basis of Forn Sir, but the saga has also established the foundation of Icelandic culture for the past millennium. The idea that the Old Norse had large and wild beards was invented for stages and in national anthems about 150 years ago. The king said, Stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back.. -Written by PF CSO and DPN Chair Dan Coultas with assistance from PF Publications manager and AUK chair Rich Blackett, PF President Sarah Kerr and further input from Heathenry UK, the Confederation of UK Heathen Kindreds and the Open Halls Project. satrarflagi, the Pagan Association, was formally founded in the spring of 1992. sued the state in federal court, saying that his religious right to grow a beard had been violated. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); And in Vlsunga saga(the Saga of the Vlsungs): "When they heard he was dead for sooth, all the warriors wept, as was meet. Nowhere in any of the eddas, our closest thing to source texts, does it mandate or even concern itself with facial hair. As a member, along with supporting our mission to promote our faith, you will also get access to more community resources, events and a vote in our elections. So my question is, how important is it to have a beard and not shave it within this religion? They are often either just a physical description of people in the sagas who have beards. They're perceptions. I don't agree with the military grooming standards because they are out dated and impractical, not for religious reasons. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. Let us call him "the beardless carle" but his sons we will call "dung-beardlings." "Prithee why should dung beard boys reft of reason, dare to hammer." "He the beardless carle shall listen while I lash him with abuse." "Making mirth of dung beard boys, here I find a nickname for these noisome dung beard boys." Thou hast hangnails on every finger and Njal is beardless., But Thorvald, thy husband was not beardless and yet thou plottedst his death, Who will avenge it? The chaplain corps will work with any military member to aid them in a genuine pursuit of an accommodation, Joint Force State Chaplain Maj. Donald Crandell said. Paganism is not an ancient dead religion. Ultimately, the kinds of content that makes you feel like crap is designed to get you to want to buy something to make you stop feeling like crap. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; As with the sir perspective, a beard is again always associated with masculinity as well as the value that form the foundation of Forn Sir. Raymond Whitsel, Norse Pagan Heathen, filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2014, saying that he was told to shave his religious beard or be fired from a job. They'll make you feel like you aren't man enough, like you aren't good enough or like you're just not enough in and of yourself. "; a rather intolerant statement. norse pagan beard requirements. Therefore emphasizing the association between beard and manly virtues in Norse culture. Many was shaved. In Heathenry in particular all of the Gods have flaws, many of which are set out in Lokkasenna and include dishonesty, incest and fratricide to name but a few. This isn't to say you shouldn't get those things if you enjoy them. Sgt. My personal faith is deeply tied to the modern warrior lifestyle that I have been able to live during my military career, said Hopper, adding that the beard has never hindered his ability to put mission first. Let's get into some of them. As we all know paganism is very diverse and some studies look at paganism as a whole. A man known for his physical prowess, his masculine virtue, and of course, his beard. The Pagan Federation, Heathenry UK, Asatru UK, the Confederation of UK Heathen Kindreds as well as The Open Halls Project in the US and DPN in the UK all agree on this. In stanza 11, another connection is made between beard and wisdom, reading The wolf shall rule the Niflungs' heritage, O bearded sages. Let's take a look at some of the arguments for both sides! Norse Pagans, Heathens, or Asatruar are not in general all required to grow a beard, There is no general religious requirementfor anyone to have facial hair, nor is there any universalreligious requirement for hairstyle or any personal grooming choice. If the above saga quotes can be used to argue that Heathens should be allowed a beard, then these Bible quotes could just as easily be used to argue that Christians should be allowed a beard. These requirements may in fact require men to wear beards or have a certain length and style facial hair. Njall was beardless, in fact, in the story. Most pagans I know, or know of, routinely refer to themselves as heathens as well as pagans. "There is no religious requirement for beards in Heathenry," Open Halls said in a 2017 statement. Some look at a subset of paganism such as Wicca, Norse, or Neo-paganism. The Asatru Community will not send a letter to an employer, stating that a beard is a religious tenant or requirement for a follower of Asatru. If "They can all find another job. If this soldier is claiming Thor told him to grow a beard, and that is the evidence he is standing on (personal Divine transmission), where does the line get drawn? Throughout this extensive text, in fact the longest and most developed Icelandic saga, countless references are made to not only associate beards with masculinity and virtue, but also to greatly insult and disparage any man who does not sport a beard: Chapter 35There's not much to choose though between you two. From any perspective therefore,Lokiis the very opposite of what a man should strive to be. Many of the Gods are described as being bearded, but as we have seen this is no guarantee that having a beard is a Heathen quality. clean shaven and short hair cuts are the name of the game . This includes allowing employees to wear religious clothing or facial hair in the workplace. They do indeed, yet they accept people who are afflicted with religion. In order for religious beliefs to qualify as a religious belief under Title VII, an employee must believe that: The practice is required by his religion or mandated by his religious community and cannot be modified even if the result is discipline from their employer. Judges 16:17 So he told her all that was in his heart and said to her, A razor has never come on my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mothers womb. This is just as much an argument that all Heathens should be slender with yellow hair as it is that they should wear beards. There's a lot out there right now that tells you that you're being a man wrong. At no point do they mention any spiritual or religious aspect of beard wear. And to be fair, there has been some method to the army's clean-cut madness. or redistributed. Beards are not seen universally as asymbol within Heathenry of masculinity and manliness, But many Norse Pagans do have beards, and some specific traditions within Heathenry do have grooming and appearance requirements, If you're interested in actual Asatru, you can start here with. Having website issues? We even abandoned saluting officers in most situations in a combat zone, because it fronted the officer as a sniper target. The importance of beards as a defining feature of Normenn is also very well expressed in medieval Norse laws, including Guta Lag (The Law of the Gotlanders). The Havamal does not mention beards. The Open Halls Project, an advocacy group for heathens serving in the military, sought to clarify any existing confusion in a 2017 post about beard exemptions. I know because I was on a "Med cruise" when we had to shave the beards. The beard is and has always been a defining feature of being Heathen, and a religious symbol of Forn Sir.In fact, the beard is a religious symbol of Forn Sir or Heathenry as much as the kippot is a religious symbol of Judaism, or the beard and the pagri are a religious symbol of Sikhism. var cid = '6036397256'; Copyright 1977 - 2023 Universal Life Church Ministries. The first blt (the rituals of satr are called blt) was held on Jnsmessa, Midsummer Night. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links at no cost to you. Ulfar wagged his beard and handed him the sword and shield. A physical description of someone who had a beard, and happened to wag it. Finally, some companies suggest allowing religious people to wear religious facial hair, but only if the beard is kept very short and trimmed. All rights reserved. This is because the Norse gods are seen as our ancestors, they are ideals we strive to achieve, they are ourselves, they are us. If the pagan wants to stand out, more power to him. Latest Statistics and Studies, Norse Mythology Children's Book Reviews For Pagan Families, The Law of Attraction: How Can It Help Your Practice, Rodnovery: Animal Totems And Spirit Guides, How to Setup a Norse Pagan Altar ( Complete list of supplies needed ), Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of the Underworld and Moon, Full Moons Throughout The Year 2023: Names and Meanings, Heng - o (Ch'ang-o): Chinese Moon Goddess, 21 Best Pagan Names For Cats (Including Meanings). Still has one ;) ifthere are Specific Jobs that one Can not wear a Beard. The followers of Christianity are encouraged to emulate their God. His son Thor is the god of thunder, who wields the divine Hammer, Mjolnir. If nice smelling soap is your deal, then get the nice smelling soap. Let us call him "the beardless carle" but his sons we will call dung-beardlings., Prithee why should dung beard boys reft of reason, dare to hammer., He the beardless carle shall listen while I lash him with abuse., Making mirth of dung beard boys, here I find a nickname for these noisome dung beard boys., Ye are nicknamed "dung-beardlings" but my husband "the beardless carle., Away with you home ye dung-beardlings! An employee should not have to choose between his faith and his livelihood.. Some of these challenges come from outside your pagan circles such as family and friends. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! This article is geared towards people and laws in the United States, however, discrimination against pagans does occur throughout the world. Let Us Knowso we can help. A memo written by commander Col. Curtis Shroedero, to whom the request was made and ultimately granted, was circulated on Facebook. Whether to abide by confines of regulation vs. honor Thor in a way you feel called to do, even though Thor doesn't require it. In fact, the beard is a religious symbol of Forn Sir or Heathenry as much as the kippot is a religious symbol of Judaism, or the beard and the pagri are a religious symbol of Sikhism. We believe our Gods are good. What are your thoughts on that? Many religious groups require men to grow a beard, including Muslims and Orthodox Jews. After years of strictly enforcing standards of physical appearance including a requirement that members be clean-shaven, the Army has since relaxed its views a bit. Religious Beards in the Workplace: Are Pagans Allowed Beards? hulk vs red hulk vs abomination. They are symbols and signs (kennings) that hearken to stories about those Gods. Once I present my memorandum for record and cite all of the applicable regulations and directives, the focus on the beard tends to go away, for the most part, he said in the release. Amazingly, it seems that the United States military agrees with me, having allowed a soldier to wear a full face beard as he claims that it is a requirement of his Norse pagan faith, reports . By Elana Glowatz On 4/26/18 at 5:12 PM EDT. "In observance of your Heathen, Norse Pagan faith, you may wear a beard, in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards for soldiers with approved religious accommodations provided in. Therefore was he called Most-Beard, and he was the noblest man on the island. Proof that some men had big beards at the time. It's not a faith. Most blacks stuck with the crew cut and white sidewall because it was more traditional. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Yay!!! A solitary Wiccan, Erik writes about Wicca, Norse religion, and making altars. Or to quote Lord Summerisle, referring to himself, "A heathen, conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one.". 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