Overall, I prioritized on doing my assignments and studies rather than other activities and this utilized my free time., From my findings, here is my action plan to improve my time management. This site is a nice reference to avoid the research paper/book report blahs. Those who achieve greatness have those three qualities mixed with vision. We had two computer labs, one for middle school and one for high school. What specifically am I struggling with, and why? And if you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. It takes awhile of trying a new study strategy to know if it actually works for you, so do not give up the first time you try it for any reason. Realizing the ongoing problems, a mobile software has been developed. Now, we all had time, and our schools Diversity Alliance club (of which I am a co-advisor) held three open discussions, initiated and led by students. Getting parents involved in their students education is extremely important. My two years of teaching were very isolated and frustrating. They are no longer learning without a goal or a purpose. Send. The experience reminded me to reevaluate assumptions to uncover better approaches and to give students the opportunity to weigh in on how they prefer to learn. First, school is over fast. Many of the household items we use and by have boxtops on them. A con about this site is that it may prohibit teachers from getting creative with their assessments, because it is so easy to just give students a pencil and paper! It might be because certain study strategies are hard, some take up to much time, some do not seem to help much, or just because certain ones are annoying to some people. Secondly I also work generally rather well to deadlines and the pressure of a looming deadline does not often phase me. I wandered onto the coloring pages of this site and found a lot of really good educational pages. Both of these aspects are needed to be an effective instructor in any environment, however, the greatest challenge between these two categories is the ability to continue my own education., Its not surprising to me because growing up I knew I had problems with my learning habits. Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what you're learning and how you're learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. Reflective practice involves actively analyzing your experiences and actions, in order to help yourself improve and develop. Educating students is not the sole job of the teacher- it is a team effort of parents, teachers, and other adults actively involved in the students life. He loves talking about technology and amazes us on the topics he is familiar with. By taking this day by day approach, I will put less strain on my, In order for you to get traction on your goals, you 're going to need to take the time to really plan and track the progress of them. I wish my teacher preparation was as thorough as some of the examples! When encouraging reflective learning in others, you should remember that the end goal is to help them develop their skills and improve their learning outcomes. Looking back on the primitive days leading up to modern day court system the same elements still exist. When students become reflective about the teaching and learning process, they are strengthening their own capacity to learn. Modular learning gives them an extra strain on the family. I found the list of image types and their abbreviations especially useful. I especially liked the press conference and board game ideas, pertaining to famous composers. Tristan Fitzgerald is a 1st grade student at Fremont Elementary School, age 6: Im doing good at online learning. Note: when it comes to shared reflective learning, an important concept to be aware of is the protg effect, which is a psychological phenomenon where teaching, pretending to teach, or preparing to teach information to others helps a person learn that information. Although more difficult in a music setting, inquiry based learning is still possible. Larry Ferlazzo is an English and social studies teacher at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. The reading pen would cost money and has some flaws, but it would be an awesome tool to have in the classroom. I would use laptops in my classroom to have students create projects like power points, do research, compose music online, and play educational music games online. I also liked how it had different formats to choose from. To encourage reflective learning in others, you can: There are many ways in which you can do this. Although alternative assessments arent anything new, it occurred to me that most of the teachers that use them are the ones who arent afraid to invest time and energy into their classroom. From a music perspective, the unit titled Follow that Star caught my eye because this could be used by a music teacher as well as a regular classroom teacher. It would be cool if they could compose a couple of measures, then beam it to another student to add a couple more, and so on, until an entire composition was created. My reflection to this thing is having modular in new normal is hard, because the lesson in module is not all in the internet. I chose to experiment with a multiple choice test, asking about famous composers. The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. Some have died. Aproject unique to this time was a Covid Journal, in which students tracked the news and their responses to it in an electronic or paper journal. This module really made me think about and analyze how I look at web sites on a daily basis. As such, you want to avoid the potential pitfalls of promoting reflective learning in an inappropriate manner. To create amazing modular learning it is crucial that your content is developed into small, independent bite-sized chunks. Modular . Enforcing cyber ethics would be as simple as adding required citations to assignments, perhaps even a works consulted list. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Tekmom for students http://www.tekmom.com/search/ Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/ Allmusic http://www.allmusic.com/. . In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers' questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Including professionals gave their projects even more credibility and encouraged students to take the project seriously. : At first, it was incredibly difficult transitioning from traditional high school to online learning, but gradually as the months go by I am slowly starting to get used to it. Send your questions to lferlazzo@epe.org. Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning. My other concern would be how the filtering software at the school would affect some of the resources I would like to use, such as online notation programs. I have seen the removal of these items become the focus of school personnel, while I think the solution lies in how these items can further help students learn. An adaptation for these students might be to give them a word block containing answers to reference. and were due Fridays.. She put more emphasis on project-based learning.She understood that students would be more motivated to learn about topics they were personally interested in. Unpredictably, the structure of virtual school gave us more time to talk about connections in our lives and the structures that shape them, which created new affinities among us. Just because there is filtering software does not mean it is fail proof, and students are always finding ways around it to access their favorite social networking or gaming sites. I could use this idea in my music class by having students create a story based on a classical piece of music. It would be much easier to do so in a music appreciation class. They can also take the same information and make a couple of different kinds of graphs to see how the information looks differently in varying formats. Most of the information on this site I have already learned through experience. http://teach.fcps.net/trt10/PowerPoint.htm. I never really considered analyzing web sites a skill before. By the middle of their seventh grade year my students were very familiar with power point, so I was able to give them simple directions regarding the project and let them loose. March 2020 June 2020; Ms. D: In March, Ms. D planned to mostly stick with her curriculum, such that all assignments stayed on the calendar. A student taking a difficult course can ask themself which parts of the material they struggle with and why, in order to figure out what they should be focusing on, and how they can modify their learning to make it more effective. However, potential distinctions between these terms are generally not important from a practical perspective, since they are unlikely to influence how the underlying concepts are implemented in practice. Australian Journal of Adult Learning Volume 53, Number 2, July 2013 Effectively teaching diverse student groups: a reflection on teaching and learning strategies Kathryn Trees Murdoch University This paper discusses facilitating student collegiality within diverse student groups. Upon some internet research, I could not find evidence that the state of Alaska has mandated filtering in schools or libraries. These programs seem like they will take a lot of dedication. Here is their podcast titled Distance Learning Reflections From the Students Point Of View: Thanks to Tristan, Sydni, Carsen, Jay, Rich, Patrick, and Mara for their contributions! After contemplating whether or not to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with my freshmen this year, I decided to stick with the book and instead change how I taught it. The site is easy to use and tells students whether or not their answer was correct, but does not tell them the correct answer. After reading the module, I got many great ideas how to better use technology in the classroom. This involves reviewing them on a monthly basis, at a bare minimum. In recent years, journaling and writing about feelings as a classroom writing strategy has fallen out of favor in the schools Ive taught in, with focus instead on close reading of challenging texts. Teachers do not have time to invent every worksheet or handout or organizational tool. SoftwareThe kinds of software that would work best with my students would be something music-related and something that students of differing levels could use. I am learning to quickscope sniping nowadays and this the clip of my first game after a practice of around 3 hours ..#Quickscoping #Quickscope #dlq33 in Ca. My main concern is how often I would be able to get my class into the computer lab in order to use these resources. This would be a good site to give students to use when making presentations. I dont know if I would want to have more online learning in the future because if Im being truly honest, I like the look and feel of a regular classroom sometimes. For our big assignment I had the students create power point presentations in the lab, researching their information on the internet. These images and video clips can be integrated into a science or math lesson, or used as a writing prompt or ideas for a research paper. I typed words into the generator, but when the game was displayed all of the tiles were blank??? This way, if the student runs out of time they will have gotten the most important part done. Early on, my students took attendance online by rating their mood, and when our district started allowing us to use video classes, I also checked in by sharing online puzzles to start class or putting students in Zoom breakout rooms with several classmates at random. Approaching projects, whether large and small, with an eye towards future uses will put you on the path to accomplishing broader, organizational goals. Next, theres no waiting on students and its quiet. 2. This web site is helpful because I have often caught myself breezing over some of the important parts of understanding. When you are done checking your email, make sure you log off. Accordingly, when deciding whether and how to make reflective learning a shared activity, its important to consider the situation, and take any potential advantages and disadvantages into account. My school in Alaska had something called the High School Qualifying Exam (HSQE) that all students must pass in order to receive a high school diploma. If the teacher makes sure students get a basic groundwork of writing and encourage students not to rely solely on the computer, the benefits outweigh the negatives. It takes less time than actually drawing a graph, allowing students to play with more data and see how they can manipulate the results. In Part One, five students from the high school where I teach in Sacramento, Calif., shared their reflections. This site is a very good tool that I added to my favorites list. Not really any fit into the music classroom itself, but there were some that I could use as a teacher. Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. For instance: There are many potential benefits to reflective learning: Accordingly, many studies have shown that reflective learning can lead to personal growth and improved learning. Rich Yamamoto is a junior at the Kansas State School for the Blind in Kansas City: As a sophomore, I did a couple of online classes through my public school in Andover, while attending the Kansas State School for the Blind (KSSB). Just a reminder, you can subscribe and receive updates from this blog via email or RSS Reader. As far as screening websites goes, I have also discovered that sometimes teachers can access web sites in their accounts but students could not access those sites from their student accounts. It was written for ESL students but would be fun in an English class as well. Concluding from the experience -Theorist Stage 4? Explain how they specifically can engage in reflective learning, potentially using relevant examples. While students and teachers discuss race and equity openly at school, having regular discussions for the entire school had been challenging before, due to our bell schedule, which has no common lunches, along with students extracurricular commitments to clubs and teams. I do not have much experience with handhelds, so that would be new territory for me. Typically a band or choir student will have the same teacher several years in a row. Since I am a music person, I liked the frog songs page. In these sorts of software, students work at their own level, so a larger range of students (from special needs, to gifted, and all those in between) would be able to participate successfully. If not, why not? After seeing the great resources on the internet, my teaching can be greatly enhanced by some of those resources, especially in my music appreciation classes. It is a good way to get parents and students involved in helping out the school. They give us ideas for things we probably would not have thought of on our own, and lets admit it, some of us just arent that creative! I recommend students should take this assessment because it can help you a lot in so many ways, but it really can help you to limit and schedule your time each day a little better so you can focus more on your goals .I am very determined to make better improvements to both of these sections and focus on my future career and goals., To become truly engaged and to be able to actually learn to a higher level as students we must take a much more serious and active role. Reflection about learning modular in new normal? Reflective learning involves actively monitoring and assessing your knowledge, abilities, and performance during the learning process, in order to improve the process and its associated outcomes. Nevertheless, one possible way to differentiate between them is to say that people engage in reflective learning with regard to events where learning is the main goal, and in reflective practice with regard to events where learning is not the main goal. It would be especially helpful for older students whose reading level does not meet their actual grade level, thereby making reading in core classes more difficult. I avoided playing games on my cell phone. Login every day It is easy to forget about things buried under a wall of tabs but I will endeavour to log on and at least look around and keep myself abreast of everything on a daily basis. Its much more relaxed now, and I must say, its rather enjoyable. Since I am not currently teaching, I will have to wait until my next job to see what that specific school looks like. Name three good search engines that would be appropriate for school research. Alternatively, its possible to view reflective learning as a notable type of reflective practice, which revolves around improving ones learning in particular. Since I taught music, most of the technology I used was with my middle school music appreciation class. Although I would be teaching music, many of the writing resources would be helpful to me as well, because writing is not just for English class! It would eliminate some distractions and allow students to finish assignments quicker, and likely produce better work.I have not used either of these tools before. It makes total sense, but is something I had never really thought of before. It almost seems too good to be true.Modeling and enforcing cyber ethics in my classroom would be simple and probably only take a few extra minutes when I am doing lesson plans. I have seen coloring pages with spaces for boxtops, which makes it fun for students because they glue the box tops on the page then color it, and then bring it into school to turn in. Which parts of the material do I understand well? It is a good idea, though I could use it to help students learn the foreign words often found in music, such as forte/piano, crescendo/decrescendo, etc. These publications would range from discipline in the classroom to effective teaching strategies to music specific strategies. After reading about it, it makes total sense as to why it is beneficial. This can happen, for example, if you make the reflection feel like a pointless exercise, if you push learners to share information that they dont feel comfortable giving, or if you force learners to use reflection techniques that dont work well for them. I have actually used power point in my music appreciation class in the past. It is always helpful to go over the basics with students, and a lot of times we use abbreviations that we do not know what they stand for, or we dont know the names of parts of the computer that we easily use. How does it compare with your experience as a student in a physical classroom? Many teachers taught to the test in order to boost students scores.I like how Urban used real projects to demonstrate students proficiency. What didnt you like about it? It is my belief that more teacher prep programs should follow the footsteps of these programs. I like this site because a teacher can take data from anything and turn it into a graph. Get started Skolera for FREE. Teachers had to sign up for time slots in advance. 3. I think it was much more interesting for the students this way. My administrators were always talking about integrating disciplines, and I am sure this unit would have made them happy. http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/fiftyways.html. I conclude by sharing the opinion of a student from my class. These self-learning modules are based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. Students were always finding ways around blocks to game sites and social networking sites. The instructional methods site allows a teacher to evaluate different teaching methods at a glance, enabling them to add strength and variety to their lesson plans. All of your modules should be built as small, separate files. It is something I want to look into further so that I can teach students the dos and donts, especially when it comes to music. My experience with filtering software in schools was fairly limited. Reflection on Distance Education Created by Schmitz, Carrie A, last modified by Kelly, Bradley P on Nov 02, 2010 From The Viewpoint of Someone That Has Taken Several Distance Learning Courses: After spending the last year taking online classes, I feel that distance learning has a lot to offer. Students could then choose a god that interests them to research and find an appropriate sound track that represents that god. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/. We have all been through (at least) two major historical ruptures together: a pandemic and a reckoning on racial inequality. The online mentoring program is something I would really like to look into and see what I could do in my music classes. Music teachers usually end up going on school trips, so the trip cost estimator caught my eye. It would be a good site to refer to before developing a lesson about computer viruses for my students. I spend lots of time at home. This would probably be more geared toward elementary-aged students. Depending on the time limit, completing the activity in one class period would keep things fast-paced, but what would the students do during the two-thirds of the class when they are not writing? It encompasses many academic disciplines and is a wonderful example of what a quality unit should look like. Many students started their own online fundraisers for Covid-19 first responders, and others launched online actions to support Black Lives Matter. Having zero tolerance for plagiarism would show students that you mean business when it comes to citing materials. http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/fipse/index.html. Why do I feel that they are helpful? To talk about one without the other implies that they are unrelated. As a music teacher, I was never really concerned with meeting standards. Things moved so quickly since mid-March that its been hard to stop and let everything sink in. I recorded myself giving a mini-lesson focused on sexism in the 1950s and 1960s, used ads and photos from the time as visuals, and then foregrounded the problems in a way that students could linger with and use later in short papers. I hope to overcome this weakness of mine by dealing with life one day at a time. Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. It is surprising how much money some schools are willing to put into technology, while others are not willing to invest much at all. This kind of modular content will benefit students and employees by allowing them to tailor their education background to better position them for job prospects and career mobility. 4) Make learning materials easy and accessible. What has your online learning experience been as a student? 4. It argues that diverse student groups of Explain why reflective learning can be beneficial. I especially liked the music instrument files because I can use them in my music classes. I liked this site because there are many different spreadsheets to choose from. 3) Incorporate technology for a maximized learning experience. Most of my classes are band and choir, but I would have the opportunity to play with integration in my music appreciation class. This would give them a better understanding of how graphs work. Im doing the same things. They said they liked synchronous online nonvideo instruction, such as simultaneously chatting and answering broad questions in small-group Google Docs, but were most engaged during video discussions. What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? The intent of this paper is to develop a greater understanding of the concept of modular learning as it applies to an . Every month I will read one publication that will help me become a better teacher. I found free ear training software online. (Lesson plan found on http://www.soundtree.com/lesson-plans#article). I have decided I need to get up even earlier in the day to complete all my tasks. My virus protection is Norton Internet Security 2011. It's Important to Slow Down, To End Discipline Disparities Affecting Students of Color, Challenge the Status Quo. Reflection about the learning modules and simulation Chapter 8 This module was very Informative. Please feel free to leave a comment with your reactions to the topic or directly to anything that has been said in this post. But journaling coupled with reflectionespecially during times of historic crisisshowed me that this activity can support complexity and has a long tradition for good reason. By Carly Berwick July 24, 2020 Brian Stauffer / The iSpot This is nice because in a school it is almost impossible to download programs to computers because of all of the logistics. If you click on a link or download a corrupt file you could expose your computer to a virus. It also serves to give teachers ideas for new projects as well. In the future, if you could choose, would you want to do more online learning? It was clear that technology cannot replace good teaching, it simply enhances it. The information on grants and contests will be useful when I begin teaching again, because I will be looking for funds to increase the technology in my class. Drill and practice software related to pitch-matching, as well as tutorials related to playing instruments would be the most useful to me. They dont really relate to music, but the ecosystems page was interesting. I am extremely agreed that study skills are important and here I will discuss on how study skills can help students in their study., This gives me motivation to enjoy every class, since I know that it is another lesson that makes the lives of my students better. This piece of technology allowed them to interact with calendars, do math, and even observe eagles in a nest on a live webcam! Beginning with the end in mind is something I have done, but not given much thought. When using a public computer, like in your school, what can you do to help protect personal information, like your passwords?Always make sure you log off the computer when you are finished. Students will record their own voice reciting the report using multi-track digital audio software. Before the final week of school, I met my departing homeroom of seniors over Zoom, and we talked about their plans, their favorite shows, their jobs. Through Kolb's learning style questionnaire used in class by my lecturer, I realized that there are four learning styles which are; Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist (Kolb, 1984). There was nothing wrong with the way the students were learning prior to the smart board, but their learning was enhanced and brought to a higher quality with the help of this piece of technology. Central to this is the principal of reflection as metacognition, where students are aware of and can describe their thinking in a way that allows them to "close the gap . How?Yes, although it is more difficult for you to get a virus if your protection is up-to-date. instead I utilized them on doing my assignments. I imagine it will take a while for teachers, staff, and students to have enough quiet moments to come to terms with all we have experienced (if we ever do), as Covid-19 spikes and virtual learning stretches on. Use of self learning modules in teaching is another form of individual used instructions. My personal goals to become a leader consist of focusing on further education myself and improving my confidence in the classroom. Reflective learning has various potential benefits, including helping learners assess their situation and improve their learning process, helping learners understand themselves and develop their metacognitive skills, and increasing learners feelings of autonomy and control, as well as their motivation. 5. Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education) offers grants and has detailed explanations on what they are looking for in their applications. I will admit that I am guilty of assuming that students have some research skills and already know how to weed out the good web sites from the bad. In the classroom, I tend to be less of an emotive hugs-and-high-fives teacher and more of a lets-get-to-work-now kind of teacher. This site would be a good resource to use when studying music compositions. But both the racial disparities in Covid-19 deaths and the protests and rallies for racial justice reveal that access to basic privilegesto be healthy, to liveremains unequal. A con is that this may be confusing or difficult for special needs students. I found the article by typing the phrase, pros of word processing into a Bing search engine.This information makes sense and should not be a surprise. I had only been out of college for 5 years and had no idea how one functioned- I can only imagine how veteran teachers less technical than I felt! 1) Create a suitable and engaging learning environment using active learning. These tools were great because we already have many of them, and I didnt know a lot of them existed! More relaxed now, and I didnt know a lot of dedication but there were some that could! State of Alaska has mandated filtering in schools was fairly limited since I am sure this unit would made... Built as small, separate files is more difficult in a music person, I was really! Do more online learning students from the high school where I teach in Sacramento, Calif., shared their.! Moved so quickly since mid-March that its been hard to stop and everything. Get parents and students involved in their students education is extremely important the intent this! 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